Soloflex Founder/CEO, Jerry Wilson, Announces Bid for Oregon Governor
Jerry Wilson is taking his politics more seriously. A longtime activist, Wilson served on the National Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee in 2004, and has been a been a Chief Petitioner on two statewide Initiatives, one to force the closure of the Trojan nuclear power plant in 1992 and one to decriminalize marijuana in 1986. Both were ahead of their time but PGE closed the Trojan plant six days after the election citing all the reasons in Wilson’s initiative. Today, only 20% of the voters still believe the drug war should continue.
Wilson will run as a third-party candidate, citing the failure of both ruling parties to properly manage the public’s business. And though Oregon’s constitution grants the Governor “Executive Power,” this power has never been used for anything more important than naming a post office.
Wilson intends to use Executive Power without delay to institute the following:
- Establish an Oregon Infrastructure Bank to assist Oregon banks in providing the capital to repair and improve Oregon’s infrastructure.
- Pardon all persons convicted in Oregon of victimless crimes. No victim, no crime.
- Re-empower juries in criminal trials to judge both the LAW and the FACTS of the case as explicitly expressed in Oregon’s constitution, Article 1, Section 16. “Lawyers aren’t the only ones who can read. Judges and prosecutors will no longer misinform jurors of their rightful constitutional power to represent the people. Whoever punishes the criminal is the ruler of society. That is the role of the citizens, not the lawyer’s bar.”
Wilson also intends to use the Executive Power to institute publicly financed elections for all elected offices in the state.
Wilson maintains that these changes are not radical; in contrast, they are historically consistent with acknowledged principles of justice. Usury has been against the law since ancient Babylon; the Magna Carta of 1215 AD established the rightful power of our jury system to judge the law, and bribery by special interest clearly makes for bad laws. The only radical change, Wilson says, would be an Oregon Governor with the audacity to use the Executive Power to get these important changes made now.
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It is great to really see some kind of progress in loosening marijuana laws in California. Marijuana is not any more dangerous than alcohol, cigarettes, or any other drug in the marketplace right now. If government eventually legalize marijuana, the Mexican drug trafficking problem will fade away, too.
It is simply a matter of time previous to they legalize marijuana in california therefore they can tax it and generate revenue so they can offer them selves a big fat pay raise
Ha! Ain’t that the truth!
Pot desires to be legalized as well as most different medication! And instantly!!! Legalization will cause law enforcement focus on other, much more serious crimes and also destroy the empires of drug lords!! Why has this taken therefore extended for crying out loud!!!
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