Jerry Wilson’s Story
My life story is here for the viewing, warts and all. It’s a short read, takes only a second to download.
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Contact Jerry
Mail: 22380 NW Meier Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone: 503-333-3866
Thanks for the nice ride! Quite the view of your place. Good luck with your run for Governor. You’re what we need to make some real changes. Take care.
would it be possible to translate your website into spanish because i have difficulties of speaking to english, and as there are not many pictures on your website i would like to read more of what you are writting.
Para traducciones copia justo y pega mis escrituras aquí:
Buena suerte!
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Wow! I found your blog on Yahoo poking around for something else entirely, and now I’m gonna need to go back and read through all the archives. So long my spare time this morning, but this was a truly spectacular find 😀
I ended up on this website a couple weeks back and I seriously can’t get enough! Please keep writing!