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Jerry Lee Wilson, Write-in Candidate for Oregon Governor

Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 in Issues, Opinion, Political campaign

Occupation: Founder/CEO, Soloflex, Inc.

Occupational background: Airmail Pilot; Airline Transport Pilot; Organic CSA Farmer.

Education: Attended New Mexico Military Institute, South Texas College, Eastern New Mexico University; Flight Safety International.

Candidate Statement

Oregon’s Constitution grants its Governor Executive Power. By Executive Order I will:

End government-for-sale. Money is the root cause of every ailment in our body politic. No contributions or gifts will be allowed to those seeking or holding public office. Candidates for office can publish their resumes and ideas in an expanded voter’s guide and participate in televised and other public debates. This is a truly revolutionary thing I will do if you elect me. Both major party candidates in this election have accepted contributions from unions and corporations, a clear violation of the law (Ballot Measure 47, passed by Oregon voters in 2006).

Establish a State Bank. This bank would make 2% loans to municipalities, private companies and individuals to repair and expand Oregon’s transportation and renewable energy infrastructure, to make our factories, offices, homes and schools more energy efficient and to rebuild our manufacturing base. We need this bank to create long-term, living-wage jobs. And we need it now!

End the drug war. It hasn’t worked, we can’t afford it and we can use that money to help create an economically viable future for the next generation.

While I have never run for elective office, I have been a Chief Petitioner on two statewide Initiatives, one to close the Trojan nuclear plant, another to decriminalize hemp. I served as a member (dissenting) on the 2004 National Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee. I have been a long-time anti-war activist, Executive-in-Residence at the University of Oregon MBA Graduate School and twice a keynote speaker at Willamette University’s Entrepreneur Conference. I have created hundreds of jobs and brought to Oregon about $1 billion in sales.


Without Jerry Wilson in this race, important issues like campaign financing, the war on drugs, and state-supported, broad-scale economic development would be quietly swept under the rug by the two major candidates. Why vote for the lesser of two evils when one has the opportunity to vote for the better candidate with better ideas and the courage to state them.

John Platt

See more such comments and read the latest news: One Alternative to Kitzhaber and Dudley, by Hank Stern, Willamette Week, August 16, 2010

Bring on the comments

  1. A. Rogers says:

    Mr. Wilson is obviously the man with great hope and vision for Oregon and his foresight carried such promise.

    I would hope while the other candidates offer less, they will borrow from Mr. Wilson’s ideas, making Oregon a better place to live as well as a model and leader for the rest of the country.

    It looks like Oregon’s own national campaign contribution is just going to be politics as usual: Political, boring, political, expensive, short sighted and political. What about the law? Oops.

  2. women health says:

    Mr. Wilson is obviously the man with great hope and vision for Oregon and his foresight carried such promise.

    I would hope while the other candidates offer less, they will borrow from Mr. Wilson’s ideas, making Oregon a better place to live as well as a model and leader for the rest of the country.

    It looks like Oregon’s own national campaign contribution is just going to be politics as usual: Political, boring, political, expensive, short sighted and political. What about the law? Oops.