One foot in the stirrup . . .
Old Turkish saying: “One who tells the truth should keep one foot in the stirrup.” Voltaire, who had plenty of experience making governments look ridiculous, also reminds us of this when he noted, “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” Maybe that’s why he lived on the border of France and Italy – he could step out his back door when the French officials came calling, the front door when the Italians came.
There comes a time however, when enough is enough. The time to change the aspect of the state is long overdue. Expecting a different result from doing the same thing is one definition of insanity; maybe the best one. That’s what we keep doing by voting for the two controlling parties. The two parties monopolize the process as much as Coke and Pepsi monopolize the grocery shelves – while feeding us High Fructose Corn Syrup! An informed consumer is the only remedy to this charade.
I’ve served on the inside of the Democratic Party (as a delegate on the 2004 National Platform Drafting Committee) so I know what goes on behind the scenes. It made me physically ill to realize I had lost my country. My “minority reports” to the DNC and Drafting Committee were not received kindly. I didn’t imagine they would be. Anyway, here they are.
Read ‘em and weep…